Marco Merlo

Marco Merlo

Associate professor in Electric Power Systems, Energy Department, Politecnico di Milano


Marco Merlo received the M.Sc. degree in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in 2003. 

He is currently an Associate Professor with the Energy Department, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. He manages the chair in “Introduction to Electric Power Systems” and “Planning and Operation of Distribution Grid”. He is the author of more than 140 research papers, presented in international conferences and scientific journals. His research activities are based on the background of planning and operation of electric transmission systems, with particular regard for voltage security, network congestions, economic aspects in general (power exchange, day ahead market), and ancillary services. Furthermore, a great attention is on the evaluation of the security of supply in a liberalized market environment.

Since 2008, given the Dispersed Generators (DG) rise, the research has focused on the impact of DG on the existing distribution infrastructures (hosting capacity approach) and on effective approaches to manage LV and MV grids in the perspective of new SmartGrid paradigm. Recently, he approached the study of Electrification Processes in Emerging countries, in particular. Since 2015, he promotes and coordinates the Energy4Growing initiative (